The annual flu vaccination is the best way to prevent yourself from getting the flu, and from then passing it on to someone else. Flu vaccination is very important for people who are at-risk of complications from influenza, and for those in close contact with at-risk people.
The flu is very easy to spread, especially when in close contact with other people. You can catch it when an infected person coughs or sneezes as they release small virus-containing droplets into the air.
Below are tips on how to be practice being flu smart:
- Practice good cough and sneeze etiquette!
- Turn away from other people
- Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve
- Use disposable tissues rather than a handkerchief (which could store the virus)
- Put used tissues into the nearest bin, rather than a pocket or handbag
- Wash your hands or use an alcohol hand rub as soon as possible afterwards.
- Hand washing can limit the spread of influenza and other respiratory virus infections. Always wash your hands – even when they are not visibly dirty:
- After coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose
- After being in contact with someone who has a cold or flu
- Before touching your eyes, nose or mouth
- Before preparing food and eating.
Glen Forrest Medical Centre will be running flu clinics from
14th May 2019, phone 9298 8555 to book your appointment.