In line with WA Health COVID 19 State -wide updates, as of Thursday 3 March close of business, the health services alert system will move to the “red” alert.
Please see: Health WA – COVID-19 Update for more detailed information related to this.
At the “red” alert level, health service providers will take a range of steps to manage the increased risk of Covid-19 transmission including:
- Extended use of telehealth and video health for clinical services
- Increased use of PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) across all areas within health care facilities and community based care.
These changes may be inconvenient or upsetting for some people, however they are necessary to help keep the most vulnerable people in our community as safe as possible.
Here at Glen Forrest Medical Centre, we are doing our very best as a team to continue caring for each one of you and our community.
We will continue to offer face to face consultations although much of our care will involve increased use of telehealth and video health consultations.
All of our doctors will be continuing to offer some face to face consultations but only on certain days. If you are consulting with your regular doctor via telehealth or video health and your doctor considers you require a physical examination that can not wait for two to three days until they have a face to face appointment, you will be seen by our Duty Doctor on the same day (who will be in full PPE).
This will be arranged by your doctor.
We understand that whilst this is not ideal, as we all inherently trust each other’s clinical skills, this is what we will be doing, for the benefit of all our patients.
Our nurses will continue to offer their usual caring service with the benefit of increased PPE.
Please be mindful that, like the rest of the WA community, at times some of our staff will be furloughed as close contacts of family or friends, or with illness.
If you develop symptoms consistent with Covid-19, please go and get a PCR test and isolate until your result is available and access the information available online via Healthy WA website or the RACGP website.
Only after doing this will we consider clinical review for you. If you are struggling to breathe and are in isolation or have a positive test then please proceed to your nearest Emergency Department.
Thank you for your patience and understanding as we approach the next few weeks and months, working together for the benefit and ongoing care for you, our community.